
Ways of Writing an A-Level History Coursework

When it comes to history coursework, you have to be sharp in the different historical events. The information you write has to be real, and for your work to be standard, you will depend on various sources. You have to know the tips for writing a perfect essay because history coursework is all about that. There is no way you can survive if you have poor writing skills. Even if you have strong points and do not know how to arrange them, you will still get low marks. You have to show the reader that you know what you are writing by following the writing procedure.

When you have to write a coursework, do not depend on only one source, you need to get information from different places. You also have to think for you to come up with the correct causes of a particular event. If you are having problems, you have a choice of going through other samples so that you can have a better understanding. To some people considering a History is easy because they do not know what awaits them.

When you choose a history course, be ready to work on coursework. When students get to this point, some of them give up while others write shady essays. The secret here is knowing how to write an excellent paper. If you are having challenges with writing, worry not because you are in the right place. You are going to learn the steps to take for you to have a standard paper.

Ways of Writing a Coursework Introduction

The first thing that should come to your mind in this part is the thesis statement. You have to write a perfect statement. It will give the reader a clue about what to expect in your paper. You have to ensure that you have an exciting introduction that flows naturally. When you are writing this part, concentrate on the historical events you have decided to consider in your piece.

 Do not forget to include the evidence so that your work makes more sense. If you leave out the proofs, there is nothing you are doing. To remain on the right path, write down questions on a piece of paper, and you will have a great understanding of what you are doing. If you consider using this format, you will have a top-notch introduction. Remember that if your introduction is boring, the reader will put your work aside and move to the next. Make it as appealing as you can.

Ways of Writing the Body

Here you will have to write all your arguments to support your paper and make it useful. Be sure to have a list that has all the facts that you need. You will start by explaining your quotes and make sure you do not copy from anywhere. Let it come from your head so that it makes sense. Do not forget to support your analysis with historical evidence. Ensure you write the limitations by giving ideas.

Tips on Writing a Thesis Proposal

The most crucial proposal for grad students is the thesis proposal. It stands for the outline of the research work that you plan to work on in your dissertation.

It is a roadmap that carries the load of your career. The more carefully you plan your proposal, the better you will have the results.

Choosing the topic is probably the most challenging part of the process of conducting research. After going through the hurdle, you will have a challenging time writing the proposal.

Elements that do a good thesis

A good thesis is the last result of your proposal and should illuminate to the committee that another writing is underway. It has to prove the relevance of your work and the confidence of an approach. Here are the steps of writing a thesis proposal in simple steps.

  1. Outlining

You should first outline the gathered materials at the start of your proposal. You can then follow the outline when conducting the research to come up with the project at hand. It would be best to show the instructor that you understand the research process, which is the evidence they want to see.

  1. The Structure

You should understand the typical structure of a thesis proposal as follows;

  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Literature
  • Thesis statement
  • Approach
  • Outcomes
  • Limitations
  • Knowledge contributions
  • The proposed chapters
  1. Best Writing plan

It is best if you organize how the process of writing will go before you start. Be careful as many students’ proposals get rejected because of a lack of coordination with the mother plant. The flow is as follows;

  • The outline
  • Preparations of visuals
  • Description of the methodology
  • Data explanation
  • Conclusions from the data
  • Introduction
  • The abstract
  • References
  1. Jotting the proposal

After planning your writing, now is the time to begin the process. The proposals get written in a formal style, which makes them different from other forms of propositions. However, it would help if you kept it simple by maintaining academics’ objectivity and honing down on readability. Get into consultations with your professor before starting.

  1. Proposal proofing

It would help if you avoided poor readability and typos at all costs. If you give another student or your peers your document and find it hard to understand, it will be best to revise that paper. Here are some of the best steps for proofing:

  • Read the proposal aloud. Doing this will make you spot minute problems, mostly with the sentence structure or grammar.
  • Avoid proofing immediately after finishing writing the document. Rest your eyes and brain for some time before beginning the proofing process. You will view the document objectively.
  • Request some of your friends that have an understanding of your material to assist you in proving it.
  • Utilize more than a single spellchecker.

Here are more tips for writing a better thesis:

  1. Understand the requirements

Go through all the requirements with the supervisor before you start.

  1. Check your work frequently

The editing process will take much of your time if you do not order dissertation editing help online to check your paper on the minor and major errors.

  1. Answer all the questions

Do not ignore the questions that pop up in your thesis. You can add the answers in conclusion.

Formatting and the Layout of a Dissertation

The supervisor or instructor is usually the one who decides the requirements of a paper. Some guidelines appear familiar to most programs, such as creating a table of contents and page numbers.

Spacing, font, and font size

Utilize a clear, professional font. Examples are Times New Roman, Calibri, and Verdana. The best size setting is 10 or 11.

In articles based on science, utilize a line spacing of 1.15 or 1.5 since it makes the text appear more readable, and the supervisor will be able to write down their comments in between the lines.

Figures and Tables

All illustrations, tables, and figures present in your dissertation should get numbered and provided with a vivid title. Therefore, the numbers make it easier for reference within the given text, and the title offers the reader the description of the graphic.


To help the reader easily differentiate between sections, subsections, and chapters in your paper, utilize different styles. You may decide to bold all the headings of a branch and italicize the subs.

After deciding on what scheme to use, you should consistently apply it to the whole dissertation. Use the ‘styles’ feature in Microsoft Word by highlighting the heading and selecting a type.


It is imperative to cite all sources appropriately and correctly since failing to do so will make you an accomplice of plagiarism. The reference must follow specific standards.

The commonly used standard is the APA style. You can use the generator to help you cite the works with much ease.

Paragraph marks

It can be a challenging job to create and maintain proper formatting in Ms. Word. By using the feature of ‘show paragraph marks’ can help you avoid making mistakes. A symbol will get shown after each paragraph and have a ‘hard return’ that will allow you to see the layout’s construction.

Headers and Footers

For a professional dissertation look, use headers and footers. It also makes the document clear to the readers. You can add a header or footer by merely double-clicking at the top or bottom of the page you are at in the paper. There is no stern rule of what to get included, but you can have;

  • The date
  • Your name
  • Page numbers
  • Institution name or logo
  • The dissertation title

Page Numbering

Page numbers get placed at the lower right corner of a page. You can add them by creating a footer. Do not include page numbering on the title page.

Title page

A well-presented and clear title page will give your dissertation the right finishing touch. You must include specific information by default on the page that houses the title. You can check our checklist for more details.


Ensure that everything in your dissertation follows the correct order and gets placed in the right corresponding chapter.

Printing of a dissertation

The final step of producing a dissertation is to have a hardcopy of your document printed out for presentation. The supervisor will give directives on what to include in the dissertation before submission. There are many issues to consider, for example, whether it will be single or double-sided.

Before you make a printed copy of your document, you should check at least one more time to ensure that the paper you have meets all the requirements as this article has presented. Be sure to include any necessary information as communicated by your supervisor not to miss any marks.

Coming Up with Intriguing Undergraduate Criminology Dissertation Ideas

The first step in writing a great undergraduate dissertation in criminology is coming up with an intriguing idea. Many students struggle with this first step because they often don’t know where to go about developing something original or they aren’t confident about the ideas they develop. The following are some techniques by writing assistance that you can try when you need to create an undergraduate criminology dissertation idea for your project, as well as a list of some original ideas we’ve developed that you might want to explore further or use as your own:

How to Come Up with Some Great Undergraduate Dissertation Ideas in Criminology

  1. Read your course syllabus and check for both required and recommended readings you might want to explore further. This will help you save some valuable time on your project because you can use the bibliographies in these readings.
  2. Because criminology is such a national issue, you can usually find some really good stories by reading current affair journals or watching the nightly national news on television. The topics discussed will likely be hot-button issues with lots of current resources.
  3. Brainstorm ideas with your classmates and friends. Sometimes our best ideas come from regular everyday discussion. Encourage your friends to take sides on a topic and consider oppositional viewpoints until you come up with an intriguing idea worth exploring.
A List of Intriguing Undergraduate Criminology Dissertation Ideas
  1. A Comparative Study of Domestic Violence and Victimology
    Analyze different cases of domestic violence and create a list of the different personality types of people most likely to become victims of domestic violence.
  2. Understanding How the Internet Affects the Increase of Suicide Pacts in Teens
    What role has the internet had in the way teenagers interact with friends and acquaintances that consider or have considered committing suicide?
  3. Analyzing the causes and rates of arsons in private and public schools
    Do students in one type of school tend to commit arson at a higher rate than the other? What does this say about the prevalent culture in these two different types of schools?
  4. Probation services and their effect on reoffending rates in the United States
    In the early 2000s, the Bush Administration pushed stricter probation services aimed to keep serious offenders off the streets. How have these affected non-violent offenders?
  5. Anti-Terrorist Laws in the United States post 9/11
    How have the counter-terrorist laws that allow Homeland Security to screen and profile potential threats to the U.S. violate human rights for citizens of Muslim decent?

A List Of 4 Surprising Dissertation Topics On Advertising

Writing an excellent dissertation on PR requires a secret thing that should be chosen in the right manner. It is the topic that is the secret behind an excellent report on advertising. The right topic means exactly the subject on which you want to do the research and the industry that are value-adding and relevant to your research. Finding it really confusing to choose the right topic for your research that you feel interesting and informative also? Look at the list of some topics below, handpicked by top professionals from Thesis Geek, and the way of choosing them that will make your task easy and processed. So, don’t worry just go with the flow and your work will be done.

Latest trends

The topic that you choose on marketing should reflect the latest trend involved in the marketing field. There are a lot of rough ideas that can serve as a source of guidance to the students in writing. After going through these rough ideas you can decide on a topic and then continue your study on it to move quicker toward your work. It is important while starting to first observe the latest trends then search the opportunities behind the topic you found useful according to the ongoing conditions. After the study of the current scenario, you can choose the topic that you find attractive and interesting so that you can give time to it properly and you can continue on its study for a long time.

Updates through newspaper and social media

If you are quite updated about the latest trends involved in the market ma be through newspapers, magazines or social media, you will find it easy to select the topic for your research. The topic can vary from basic to advance level. Here you have to choose which can be better for you. The main idea that lies behind choosing the topic is your inclination. The topic at which you feel more inclined or interesting, you should go for that only. This kind of choice will help you during your study, as you want to find the work boring.

The topic that can be a choice while writing on advertising can be many but below are few mentioned to provide you an example for creating more such topics.

  1. The Impact of social media on advertising
  2. Inbound marketing and advertising
  3. Mobile as an advertising agent
  4. Which one captures more market? Newspaper or social media?

You can refer to the above examples and create more such for your research work.

Advice to Keep in Mind Before Writing a Dissertation Proposal

Conventionally, the decision to make a dissertation proposal obligatory is up to an educational institution. One way or another, it’s a useful exercise to practice your writing skills before progressing to the thesis. If you succeed in completing a proposal, it won’t take you a lot of time to finalize the paper itself.

How Does a Dissertation Proposal Look Like?

Dealing with the proposal, even if it isn’t a requirement, is still an experience worth going through. You can always submit it to your supervisor and get valuable feedback with all the relevant remarks. Having looked at the proposal, your supervisor will be able to tell whether you are moving in the right direction or not. It’s always important to get a second opinion about your work.

Before starting to write, you will need to learn the general structure of the proposal. Hence, here are the sections that it typically incorporates:

  1. Dissertation Title.
    Try to keep it short and to the point.
  2. Main objectives.
    Select the paramount areas to focus on.
  3. Literature.
    Mention the key schools of thought that you used.
  4. Methodology.
    State whether your research is based on empirical or non-empirical evidence.
  5. Potential outcomes.
    Summarize the results you expect to receive at the end.
  6. Bibliography.
    Make a list of sources you used.

Remember that adhering to these parts is essential for a successful proposal. If you neglect the established sequence, it’s likely that your work will be considered non-conforming.

What Is a Dissertation Proposal for?

Make sure you don’t forget about the main aim of your proposal. You have to know what kind of questions are supposed to be answered in it. Be consistent with the overall idea of the proposal, which is to check whether your thinking methods and hypotheses are valid enough.

Bearing this in mind, here are the fundamental questions that your proposal is expected to discuss:

  • What is the basic research question that I am aiming to examine?
  • What is the case I chose to study my research question?
  • Why is it an appropriate case for my study?
  • What is the alternative opinion for this case?
  • How will my research differ from the previous studies conducted on this matter?
  • What type of data will I use to study my case?
  • How will I proceed to gather the information I need?

The predominant idea behind these questions was to make them generally applicable for everyone challenged to write a proposal.

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